home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- global colorauthoringpath
- global holdStackName
- global TheStack
- put the short name of stack TheStack into holdStackName
- put "Browse: " before char 1 of holdstackname
- do put FullResList("T=ALL", "O=TNIS", "W=" & TheStack) into resdata
- start using stack TheStack
- if word 1 of resdata is "Error" then
- answer resdata
- do restext("TEXT", "BrowseResources", colorauthoringpath)
- end if
- do sort resdata
- if the number of lines of resdata is 1 then put return & " " after line 1 of resdata
- Listoid holdStackName,resdata,"DontAllowReorg", "one","(•) Browse Another :","black,white", "Chicago", "12", "0"
- do restext("TEXT", "stackuselist", colorauthoringpath)